Working with me

Ways of Working Together

Thank you in advance for your consideration of my health services. I would love to help you achieve your health and wellness goals through supporting your physical health, emotional health and mental well-being.

If you are keen to discuss further to learn about how I can help you, I invite you to book a complimentary 20-min strategy session with me to discuss how we can work together to achieve your goals, and also understand my services, pricing and package structure.

There are a few ways we can work together, as outlined below.

  • Initial Consultation & Onboarding

    An initial consultation & onboarding session to help me get to know you better and what you need help with. Orientating you also around the follow-up program of your choice.

    60 min initial consultation & onboarding session.

    Book this if you are seeing me for the first time, or if you have not seen me for a while.

    Includes comprehensive information gathering and onboarding before follow-up programs.

  • Program #1: Functional Medicine Health Coaching

    The ideal choice if you would like a personalised health coaching plan that is tailored to your lifestyle & medical condition. Educates & motivates you towards sustained lifestyle change to reach your optimal vision of health and well-being.

    5x Coaching Sessions @ 45 mins each.
    (Note: The “Initial Consultation & Onboarding” session must be booked & completed first)

    Includes follow-up emails & links to resources.
    Includes self-empowerment tools.
    Includes supportive encouragement & reinforcement of learnings along the way.

    Modality Used: Functional Medicine Health Coaching which includes functional medicine, functional nutrition, mind-body medicine, lifestyle medicine, positive psychology and character strengths work.

  • Program #2: Emotional Health Coaching

    A stress reduction & emotional stress release or trauma release program for your emotional & mental well-being.
    Personalised for your unique needs.
    (Choose this program if you are particularly interested in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Mindset Coaching or Therapy)

    5x Coaching/ Therapy Sessions @ 60 mins each.
    (Note: The “Initial Consultation & Onboarding” session must be booked & completed first)

    Includes follow-up emails & links to resources.
    Includes self-empowerment tools.
    Includes supportive encouragement & reinforcement of learnings along the way.

    Modalities Used: Depending on your unique circumstances, it can be either one or a combination of the Emotional, Psychological & Trauma-Based modalities that I’m trained in - Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Touch for Health Kinesiology, Advanced Hypnosis, Inner Child Work, Metaphysical Anatomy Technique.

  • Combined Package: Program #1 (Functional Medicine Health Coaching) + Program #2 (Emotional Health Coaching)

    The complete package in achieving optimal physical, emotional and mental well-being.
    A combination of Program #1: Functional Medicine Health Coaching & Program #2: Emotional Health Coaching.
    Personalised for your unique needs.

    5x Functional Medicine Health Coaching Sessions @ 45 mins each, AND
    5x Emotional Health Coaching/ Therapy Sessions @ 60 mins each.
    (Note: The “Initial Consultation & Onboarding” session must be booked & completed first)

    Includes follow-up emails & links to resources.
    Includes self-empowerment tools.
    Includes supportive encouragement & reinforcement of learnings along the way.

    Modalities Used: Functional Medicine Health Coaching AND either one or a combination of the Emotional, Psychological & Trauma-Based Techniques that I have been trained in, depending on your unique circumstances.

  • Health Workshops & Programs for Organisations

    This can include group coaching, or health coaching programs and health/ wellness workshops delivered to organisations or medical practices.

    Themes for programs and workshops include stress & resilience, mind-body hacks for optimum health & longevity, character strengths utilisation for maximising your team’s performance & effectiveness, nutrition, toxins, emotional resilience, etc…

    Customised workshops can also be organised.

  • Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) Initial Consultation & Onboarding

    A comprehensive 60 min initial Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) consultation to help me get to know you better and what you need help with.

    Includes comprehensive information gathering about your health status and/or condition(s), onboarding about Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) and working on a mutual plan for supporting your health.

    Allow up to 1 hour for this session.

  • Mentoring for Health and Wellness Coaching

    Mentoring Services for Health and Wellness Coaching

    I am passionate about enabling and empowering those new to the world of health and wellness coaching, or even to existing health and wellness coaches by providing individual 1:1 mentoring services.

    Book in for a complimentary 20-min mentoring information session to understand what I can offer as a mentor and my pricing.


Read about what these people had to say about how I have helped them.