“You are in charge of your mind,
and therefore your results.
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the study of excellence that looks at the language of the mind and how it creates patterns and programs
that you run in your life.”


Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
& Mindset Coaching, Therapy & Training

As a Certified Trainer and Consultant of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), and also a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner/ Coach/ Therapist,
I help you uncover, address and overcome limiting thought patterns, negative beliefs or unconscious negative emotions that stem from the unconscious mind, thus helping you achieve mindset transformation so that you can achieve better wellbeing and excellence in life.

NLP is the study of excellence, founded in the 1970s by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. It is a multi-dimensional process that describes the fundamental dynamics between mind (‘neuro’), language (‘linguistic’) and how their exchange affects one’s body and behaviour (‘programming’). It helps people detect conscious and unconscious thinking and behavioural patterns, in order to rewire the brain’s neural pathways. NLP is used in coaching to enhance professional development and personal performance, and it is also an exciting tool to use to enhance health and well-being.

I am particularly fascinated by the unconscious mind’s relationship to health, and how emotions and the unconscious mind can play a huge role in health challenges, manifesting in physical symptoms that affect health. After all, ‘the mind and body are connected, and therefore affect each other.

Why work with the unconscious mind?

NLP Coach Therapist Brain Health Unconscious Mind.jpg

“We learn something new every day.
Most of it is unconscious.”

Neuroscientists have conducted studies that revealed that 90% of our brain activity within our minds is beyond our conscious awareness, i.e. the ‘unconscious mind’.

In childhood, many patterns and programs (the way we are conditioned, habits, memories, emotions, beliefs, attitudes) are already running in our minds, unconsciously. Most of the time, we carry these patterns right into adulthood without consciously being aware of them, and they can trigger negative experiences or emotions as a result of unhealthy patterns and programs that are in our unconscious mind.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) works directly with, and teaches you to reprogram and master the unconscious mind. When we become more aware of the unconscious mind, what we consciously choose to think, feel and do changes the wiring of our brains. This is ‘neuroplasticity’ (the ability of the brain to form new connections and pathways and change how its circuits are wired) in action.

“You are in charge of your mind, and therefore your results.”



My clients have reported the following:

  • Increased confidence

  • Healthier mindset transformation

  • Transforming of limiting or negative self-beliefs

  • Fulfilment of potential

  • Release and reduction of stress levels, anxiety or overwhelm

  • Feeling more calm and peace

  • Feeling lighter (burden has been lifted)

  • Feeling more balanced

  • Feeling more energised

Published Research Studies:

Neuro Linguistic Programming: A Systematic Approach to Change
The effect of neuro linguistic programming on occupational stress in critical care nurses
Efficacy of neurolinguistic programming training on mental health in nursing and midwifery students

Whom I work with


I have experience helping clients with the following:

  • Anxiety

  • Emotional setbacks or overwhelm

  • Challenging life situations

  • Impostor Syndrome

  • Inner conflict

  • Limiting thought patterns that hold them back from achieving their potential

  • Low self confidence

  • Low self esteem

  • Low self worth

  • Limiting or negative self beliefs

  • Procrastination

  • Stress

  • Unhealthy relationships with food/ Emotional eating

Other services that I provide:
Functional Medicine Health Coaching
Emotional Health Coaching
Health Workshops and Programs
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) Therapy
Mentoring Services for Health and Wellness Coaching

Featured Reviews

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Mindset Coaching Appointments

Note: This is purchased through the “Emotional Health Coaching” Program.


I offer appointments over the Zoom virtual platform or over the phone.

Initial Consultation & Onboarding: 60 mins
NLP & Mindset Coaching Program (classified under ‘Emotional Health Coaching Program’): 60 mins x 5 sessions

Apart from the initial consultation & onboarding session, this service is sold as a single prepaid program of 5 sessions.
Please contact me for pricing.

Working with me
Explore how to work with me here.

Interested in further discussion about Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Mindset Coaching?


How about discussing a strategy of how we can work together to help you understand and influence the ‘language of your mind’ to achieve your goals?

I invite you to book your complimentary 20 min strategy session below.