
I’d like to thank all the individuals below whom I have had the privilege of working with, who kindly shared their testimonials.

  • Health Coaching for improved nutrition, blood sugar levels, eating habits & mindset, reduction in sugar cravings and weight loss

    “I was quite interested in receiving help from Nai Ann after she was referred to me by my doctor. She helped me improve my nutrition and eating habits with a positive and supportive approach, each session with Nai Ann was very helpful and informative.

    Nai Ann helped me get a better perspective on my diet and improved my mindset when it came to eating. The outcome has been reduced sugar cravings, lower/ normalised blood sugar levels, weight loss and better eating habits.

    I highly recommend Nai Ann to help with your health issues that need improving. I will also continue to use her services to continue improving my health. Also, Nai Ann always sends a follow up and further information after our session. She goes above and beyond in wanting to help me improve my health and thinking.

    ~ Sam Keidge, Chef

  • Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coaching helped change limiting beliefs and built more confidence

    "It was a hugely eye-opening experience to go through a therapeutic NLP Coaching Process with Nai Ann that helped me change certain limiting beliefs about myself. Not only did I gain clarity on my purpose (the why) but she also helped me build more confidence in myself, my talents and skills (the what), which I am determined to nourish further and keep pursuing.

    Nai Ann created a safe environment where I wasn’t afraid to explore my limiting beliefs and upon taking a closer look, discovered how small and of little importance my worries were in comparison to the impact I could have and the difference I could make by taking action.

    I have come to the realisation that embracing any (seemingly difficult) obstacles will have a growth effect and support me to become a multiplier and eventually fulfil my purpose. Thank you!”

    ~ Michaela G., Information Technology Professional

  • Beautiful & Amazing Breakthroughs in Different Parts and Aspects of Life

    “If you’re looking for breakthroughs, then having sessions and spending time with Nai Ann Lee is the absolute way to go. She is INCREDIBLE! I have been working with her for quite some time over the years, and every time I work with her, I have beautiful and amazing breakthroughs in different parts and aspects of my life - in terms of breaking through limiting beliefs, clearing emotions that have been stored in my body and keeping me trapped, working on trauma and past experiences. 

    So if these are the things that resonate with you, or even if you don’t know what it is that you're looking for, but you know that you’re looking for guidance and support and healing, then Nai Ann Lee is a beautiful woman who is so soulful and soul-based. And she is absolutely able to help and support you through your challenges.

    I can go on and on about how amazing Nai Ann is….she has so many different tools that she adds to her toolkit - things like Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Applied Kinesiology, Health Coaching….she’s also trained in Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM), and I’m sure there’s a whole heap more. And these are just some of the foundational modalities that she uses….so, she can help you in so many different ways and areas of your life.
    So, do reach out to Nai Ann…she’s AMAZING!

    ~ Lisa Gumieniuk, Holistic Health Practitioner

  • Functional Medicine & Emotional Health Coaching helped with Health Issues and Stress Levels

    “I spoke to Nai Ann at a point where I had a few health issues that were starting to cause me grief in my day to day living. I had a highly demanding job which I felt I was failing at. Nai Ann has an intimate knowledge with many different modalities which was very beneficial in helping me uncover how all the different areas in my life were intertwined with one another.

    I was about to start a new role and was worried about repeating the mistakes of the past. Here, Nai Ann completed Health Coaching and also Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) sessions with me which helped me break out of the cycle I had been in. She provided many tools that I could use throughout the day to manage my stress levels and this has been a blessing for me so far! Health wise, she honed in on a few of my major issues and we brainstormed action plans to get this treated.

    I have absolutely benefitted from sessions with Nai Ann and highly recommend her services. She is professional, down to earth, easy to open up to, and has a varied tool kit in her bag that enables a 360 degree view in bringing back wholesomeness into your life.

    ~ Suz Singh, Finance Professional

  • Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) helped with Emotional Barriers & Goals

    “Although I had originally planned to work with Nai Ann on health goals, I was immediately drawn to her genuine empathy and felt she would be of great help with emotional barriers and goals.

    I felt connected and safe in our shared space and she intuitively understood my needs. I felt a sense of relief as we worked together and really liked the practical aspects of the exercises she taught me, and found them easy to understand and practise.

    I would have no hesitation in recommending Nai Ann to others simply because I think she “gets it” and works with her clients without judgment or pressure. And she is a genuinely lovely person.”

    ~ Azra A., Senior Manager

  • Warmth & care for clients provides a safe place & comforting environment aids in the healing process

    “I have known Nai-Ann for over 3 years and I can say she is one of the most intelligent, knowledgeable and driven people I know. Through her life experience and all her studies she has gained a wealth of understanding and experience in the field of Psychology as well as the body-mind connection.
    Her modalities stretch from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to Health Coaching and Kinesiology to name a few. She uses these modalities to structure a unique set of treatment options for each client individually which makes her unique in her approach. Her warmth and care for her clients provides a safe place and comforting environment which aids in the healing process. I highly recommend Nai Ann.”

    ~ Genine Raats, NLP Master Practitioner, Coach and Hypnotherapist

  • Functional Medicine & Emotional Health Coaching sessions helped with health issues, stresses, overwhelm & anxiety

    “I sought Nai Ann’s help for stress-related issues in my life that manifested in uncomfortable and unexpected physical symptoms. I experienced a lot of overwhelm and stress at my previous workplace that affected me badly for many years. I also had a lot of anxiety, worry, felt very unsure about myself and even doubted my capabilities at work.

    Nai Ann used powerful therapeutic techniques which helped me tap into and clear my emotional responses to stressful events of the past and present. At the end of my sessions with her, I felt a lot calmer, lighter, and it also reduced the default stress levels that I was already carrying within me. She also empowered me with many tips and techniques that I could use on my own, in order to manage my stress levels.

    I became more resilient to stressful situations over time, and was able to handle future work situations with a clearer head space - from a place of calm and confidence. My physical symptoms also improved over time.

    I would highly recommend working with Nai Ann if you encounter any health issues, stresses, overwhelm or anxiety in your life - she is amazing at what she does as a health practitioner and coach, with a caring, positive and supportive approach.

    ~ Grace Win, Human Resources Professional

  • Emotional Healing Techniques helped reduce stress & anxiety, and built confidence

    "I was feeling very stressed and anxious over a few personal issues in my life, and sought Nai Ann's help a few times.

    Nai Ann used kinesiology a few times to help me with the stressful situations that I had. Nai Ann used techniques called ‘Emotional Stress Release’ alongside other kinesiology balancing techniques, which helped reduce my stress and anxiety levels immediately, bringing me to a state of calm, peace, positivity and more energy.
    She also equipped me to handle future 'potentially stressful' situations with much ease and I gained the confidence to handle stress.

    I would highly recommend Nai Ann as she is highly skilled in kinesiology and Emotional Stress Release, gets you the results that you need, and she is also a kind, warm and caring practitioner/ therapist."

    ~ Michelle H., Nurse

  • Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as tools to change my life for the better

    “Nai Ann's approach to health and wellbeing is caring, perceptive and knowledgeable. With her amazing skill set, Nai Ann was able to address my dysfunctional mindsets and within several sessions, I noticed significant change with how I approached life's challenges.

    More importantly, I learnt skills and simple tools that will continue to change my life for the better. I would highly recommend her services.

    ~ Lyn T, General Practitioner (GP)

  • Emotional Health Coaching sessions helped decrease my stress levels & I regained control over my health & wellbeing

    “I sought out treatment with Nai Ann in order to deal with some negative emotional experiences I was dealing with, which were starting to negatively impact my health.

    Nai Ann is very approachable and supportive. She put me at ease as I described where I was in my life and the issues that I felt were derailing me.

    She very quickly understood my situation and used several modalities to support me, including NLP timeline therapy, colour balancing and EFT, all of which have helped me decrease my stress levels and allowed me to regain control over my health and wellbeing. I’ve had several sessions with Nai Ann now and can say that after each session, I have felt more calm, confident and resilient. She has helped me in quite a profound way, which has been invaluable.

    ~ F. Henry, Brisbane

  • Soothing Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) group tapping session as a tribute to honour the life of a special friend

    “Nai Ann facilitated a group tapping session to honour the life of a special friend, and helped us acknowledge and process our feelings.

    Nai Ann’s session was conducted with professionalism, grace and respect. The session was soothing and greatly appreciated by each member of the group.

    A beautiful tribute, thank you Nai Ann!”

    ~ Naomi Lees, Health Coach

  • Effective, Empathetic & Intelligent Coach helped me gain knowledge of how Functional Medicine benefits me in nutrition & exercise

    Nai Ann is a very effective, empathetic and intelligent coach. She has excellent knowledge of functional medicine and she helped me understand its philosophy and how it can benefit me in terms of nutrition and exercise. She possesses superb communication skills, and is very empathetic and patient as she took time to clarify my doubts. I strongly recommend Nai Ann's coaching to anyone who wants to meet their health goals.”

    ~ Ethan, Working Professional

  • Functional Medicine Health Coaching helped manage symptoms of hives

    “I approached Nai Ann to help with hives I had had for close to 2 months and only manageable with antihistamines which I wanted to stop, but the itching was quite unbearable.

    Nai Ann put me on a low histamine elimination diet for 4 weeks. She helped me keep on top of what I was eating with a "live" tracking document where she could read what I had eaten and to give me feedback or encouragement.

    Within the first week, my hives had reduced and by the end of the 4 weeks, the hives had almost been disappeared. It was such a relief and Nai Ann was very supportive and would check in on me regularly. I'm very glad I trusted the process and her guidance. Thank you, Nai Ann!” 

    ~ Cheryl Leong, Entrepreneur

  • Emotional Health Therapy helped me Get More Centred & Relaxed in Uncertain Times

    “Namaste Nai Ann. I just wanted to say thank you for the Metaphysical Anatomy Technique (MAT) & NLP session the other day...

    It really helped me to get more centred and relaxed... It was a blessing and a comfort to connect with you that day....

    Things are still uncertain in my life but I’m feeling more supported now that I’m here and settled, and am positive that things will become clearer soon.

    Thanks again for your all help.“

    ~ Corinne Cooke, Holistic Practitioner, Yogini & Ayurveda Consultant

  • Health Coaching with Psychological and Motivational Support helped with Health Journey & Created Space for Valuable Personal Insights

    “I wasn’t sure what to expect from working with a functional medicine health coach when I embarked on a dietary protocol as part of a clinician-supervised gut healing programme.

    However, just as food and supplements are an important aspect of this, so too is having the right psychological and motivational support to ensure you stay on track, and get you back on track when you veer off!

    Nai Ann knew the right questions to ask, and the direction in which to nudge me, to help me figure out what I needed to do to commit to it. Not only did it help with my health journey; it also created space for valuable personal insights.

    ~ Sonja A.

  • Mind-Body Techniques & NLP Coaching helped me to fulfil my potential personally & professionally

    “Working with Nai Ann has been a wonderful experience. She helped me become more aware of my body and mind, and listen to them. In a professional context it helped me feel more confident in my own abilities, being ok with being me.

    I thoroughly enjoy Nai Ann’s guidance through our sessions that she runs by combining exploration with exercises, always something new, different and eye-opening! The follow-up email that she sends promptly after each session provides me with a re-cap and a brief homework and is super handy for reflection.

    If you get a chance to work with Nai Ann, go for it and take the opportunity to fulfil your potential and create a healthier you!

    ~ M. Grill, Customer Success Professional

  • Supportive Help received through multiple Trauma Based modalities knowledge and Emotional Processing (Grief Healing)

    "Nai Ann brings this unique ability of being composed and confident yet efficient, empathetic and thought provoking, in her coaching sessions. I had initially approached her to help me deal with physical pain and in a single session she managed to uncover and heal a deeply hidden unhelpful belief, using her knowledge and skills of multiple trauma based modalities.

    Her commitment to seeing to my wellbeing and holding me accountable, during and after our sessions were commendable and are much appreciated. I have come out from our sessions feeling energised and supported.

    During one of our subsequent sessions, I had recently undergone a personal loss and Nai Ann gently adapted that session for grief healing. It was a cathartic and powerful session that helped me tremendously in releasing emotions, in accepting and dealing with my loss.

    I would highly recommend Nai Ann as your go-to coach/therapist if you are feeling stuck in any aspect of your life and would like to move forward."

    ~ Sonali Dheer, Mindset Coach

  • Medical Practice Owner's (Doctor's) Feedback on Workshop: Understanding Mind-Body (NLP) Concepts in the Context of Healthcare

    “I invited Nai Ann to speak to our Genbiome patient community about understanding Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) concepts in the context of healthcare.

    The information was not only crystal clear, but was delivered in a way that was very easy to receive with the practical examples demonstrated.

    What she shared struck a deep resonance with many of us, allowing reflection on very important healing principles. Thank you for a valuable presentation and workshop!”

    ~ Dr Christabelle Yeoh, Next Practice care of Genbiome.

Are you ready to transform your health?

 If you would like to discuss a strategy of how I can help you transform your health, please contact me via the button below.