“Emotions live and run every system of the body.
Managing, mastering and investing in your emotional health is an important key to a life of wellness.”
“What we think and feel and what we believe generates a chemical response. A response which provides positive or negative consequences depending on our state of mind.”
~Candace Pert

Emotional Health Coaching
As an Emotional Health Coach, Practitioner & Therapist trained in various mind-body, emotional and trauma-based modalities, I help you acknowledge, process, transform and release the emotions that negatively impact your life and cause you stress or trauma responses, in order to restore balance and bring you to an enhanced and improved state of well-being.
Have you ever felt so emotionally stressed through life’s challenges, yet prefer to manage those feelings on your own because you don’t see the need to share them with anyone else?
Have you just swept any negative emotions or limiting beliefs under the carpet, hoping that they will disappear on their own in the next day or two?
Maybe you suppress negative feelings so as not to feel them, hoping that they will magically go away because you have your own ‘coping’ mechanisms.
But will these approaches work for you in the long-term? How sure are you that they will not impact your health?
Emotions live and run every system of the body. Emotions also affect our immune system, nervous system and entire physiology. Research studies like this one show that there is a direct relationship between emotions and visceral systems/ bodily organ systems. For example, anger is associated with the liver, fear with the kidneys and sadness with the lungs. Where negative emotions arise in our body, it is healthy and important to process and transform them, so that they do not impact us negatively in the long term.
I focus on various mind-body modalities to help you improve your mental and emotional health, so that you can face life’s challenges with ease. I offer various tools to help with psychological and emotional well-being:
- Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) where I am a Master Practitioner/ Coach/ Therapist and also a Trainer/ Consultant,
- Emotional Freedom Technique/ EFT (tapping on acupressure points to release stress, stimulate energy flow and restore balance),
- Inner Child and Shadow Work,
- Metaphysical Anatomy Technique,
- Concepts from Psychosomatic Therapy,
- Certain processes from Touch For Health Kinesiology (which incorporates energy balancing and stress release principles from chiropractic and Traditional Chinese Medicine).
I also have an understanding of trauma, trauma responses, and the relationship between dis-ease/ conditions/ symptoms and underlying emotions. I can help you identify potential emotional root causes of dis-ease and release trauma stored in your body with this effective stress and trauma-release based personal development process.
Why address emotional health?
Emotional distress leaves one susceptible to physical illness, especially after prolonged periods of time. Research studies quoted in this Stewart-Brown (1998) article report that ‘emotional distress creates susceptibility to physical illness. Exam stress increases susceptibility to viral infection, and stress from lack of control in the workplace or from life events creates susceptibility to cardiovascular disease. Animal studies provide supporting evidence that emotional distress can lead to physical illness by affecting the immune response.’
We face potential emotional distress in our daily lives, especially when we lead stressful lifestyles or burn the candle at both ends. Those who practice a healthy emotional lifestyle will ultimately be healthier - physically and mentally. I truly believe that managing, mastering and investing in your emotional health is an important key to a life of wellness.
I hold a safe, trusted and supportive space for you to express yourself with freedom and ease, without judgement - helping you to navigate challenging life situations, negative emotions or stresses that impact your life.
I want you to feel a sense of relief in that shared space and to feel encouraged, uplifted and energised with simple, transformational tools that I coach you through.
By doing so, I help you return to a state of calm and peace more quickly. If you are ready for this transformation in order to lead a healthier life, then Emotional Health Coaching is for you.
My clients have reported the following:
Amazing breakthroughs in different parts and aspects of life
Feeling more calm and at peace
Feeling lighter (burden has been lifted)
Feeling more balanced
Feeling more energised
Feeling a sense of relief
Fulfilment of their potential
Healthier mindset transformation
Increased confidence
Release and reduction of stress levels, anxiety or overwhelm
Transforming of their limiting or negative self-beliefs
Published Research Studies or Articles:
Emotional wellbeing and its relation to health
Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Improves Multiple Physiological Markers of Health
The Manual Stimulation of Acupuncture Points in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Review of Clinical Emotional Freedom Techniques
Touch for Health Research Articles
Health through the Lifespan: The phenomenon of the inner child reflected in events during childhood experienced by older persons
Whom I work with
I have experience with the following, and work with these conditions:
Emotional setbacks
Grief or Sadness
Impostor Syndrome
Inner conflict
Low self confidence
Low self esteem
Low self worth
Negative or limiting self beliefs
Trauma responses
Unhealthy relationships with food/ Emotional Eating
Other services that I provide:
Functional Medicine Health Coaching
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Mindset Coaching
Health Workshops and Programs
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) Therapy
Mentoring Services for Health and Wellness Coaching
Featured Reviews
Emotional Health Coaching Appointments
I offer appointments over the Zoom virtual platform or over the phone.
Initial Consultation & Onboarding: 60 mins
Emotional Health Coaching Program: 60 mins x 5 sessions
Apart from the initial consultation & onboarding session, this service is sold as a prepaid single program of 5 sessions.
Please contact me for pricing.
Working with me
Explore how to work with me here.