Free Online Health & Wellness Workshop for Vivid Health Chiropractic Clients & Families
Wednesday 17 Aug 2022
4.30pm - 5.15pm
(Sydney, Australia time)
What you will get from this Free (Online)
Health & Wellness Workshop
An awareness and understanding of the mind-body connection, and how the unconscious mind plays a huge role in your health.
Learn about mind-body, neuroscience and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) concepts which can help you tap into your own inner power to deal with anxiety and stressful situations in your daily life.
Tools & Tips.
Through a few demonstrations, you will learn simple tools and tips on how to apply some of these useful concepts to address anxiety and stress, and return to a state of peace, calm and balance.
“The mind and body are connected, and therefore affect each other.”
The field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) began in the early 1970’s with a gathering of linguistics professionals who studied and modelled world-famous therapists in family therapy, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy. NLP was originally based on psychology, has since evolved and grown over the years with the input of many influential players, and is used in many areas of life.
This webinar focusses on the mind-body connection and how the fields of NLP and applied neuroscience can be used to address anxiety and stress.
Learn how to use simple, practical tools to enhance your health and your life.
About your Host
Nai Ann Lee is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and Integrative Mind-Body Practitioner who is also certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) as a Master Practitioner, Trainer & Consultant, and in Applied Neuroscience & Brain Health, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Psychoneuroimmunology, Metaphysical Anatomy and other trauma-based modalities.
She helps clients who struggle with high levels of stress, overwhelm, anxiety, or those who experience symptoms of declining/ ill health or have been diagnosed with illness. She empowers and enables clients with transformational tools to make changes towards improved physical, mental and emotional health.
Being fascinated by mental health and emotional health and how emotions and the unconscious mind can play a huge role in health challenges that can manifest in physical symptoms, and backed with years of her own personal journey towards optimal health, she is a huge advocate of a whole mind-body approach to wellness.
Growing up with high levels of stress and anxiety in having to excel in school exams, and combined with her previous corporate I.T. consulting career of nearly 25 years in a stressful environment of the corporate world, she can understand and appreciate the typical challenges that anyone faces in leading a stressful life.
What People are Saying about Nai Ann Lee’s Workshops & Coaching Sessions
Medical Practice Feedback:
“I invited Nai Ann to speak to our Genbiome patient community about understanding Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) concepts in the context of health and healthcare.
The information was not only crystal clear, but was delivered in a way that was very easy to receive with the practical examples demonstrated.
What she shared struck a deep resonance with many of us, allowing reflection on very important healing principles. Thank you for a valuable presentation and workshop!”
~ Dr. Christabelle Yeoh, Next Practice care of Genbiome.
Workshop Participant Feedback:
“The more I recover my health and vitality, the more I realise that the mind is the crucial missing piece of the puzzle.
The power of it changes our physiology at a biochemical level through words, the actions we choose to take, to what we envision and to our feeling state; and it is more profound than any supplement, pill or exercise program.
NLP is a powerful modality that can facilitate this process and Nai Ann’s workshop provided wonderful insight into the how’s and why’s of its methodology.”
~ Sonja A.
Application of NLP Concepts in Coaching Sessions:
“Nai Ann used powerful therapeutic techniques which helped me tap into and clear my emotional responses to stressful events of the past and present.
At the end of my sessions with Nai Ann, I felt a lot calmer, lighter, and it also reduced the default stress levels and anxiety that I was carrying within me.
She empowered me with many tips and techniques that I could use on my own and my physical symptoms also improved over time.”
~ Grace Win, Human Resources Professional
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
Carl Jung